Friday, September 11, 2020



What is Interbeing? (by Thich Nhat Hanh) — Rina G. Patel



You are me, 

and I am you.

Isn’t it obvious that we “inter-are”?
You cultivate the flower in yourself,
So that I will be beautiful.
I transform the garbage in myself,
So that you will not have to suffer.

I support you;
You support me.
I am in this world to offer you peace;
You are in this world to bring me joy.

       -Thich Nhat Hahn, Call Me by My True Names.[1]


This poem, authored by Thich Nhat Hanh, is neither an old romantic piece nor a goosey gander lyric! Instead, these lines accentuate with a sharp tone; the only alternative to co-existence is co-nonexistence! Something that we need to remind of ourselves in this pandemic age.


In its real sense, the pandemic manifested as an apocalypse, unveiling the emptiness of our pathological culture of individualism and carelessness in multiple ways. Our religious life also has shown up its new customized face in this challenging time. How adaptive, adoptive, and elastic it was/is! While we kept ourselves busy adapting/fitting into the new situation, we missed more profound attention—the attention towards the vulnerable, the care for the disenfranchised, and disfigured. Most often, we ended up in a quasi-bubbled life praying for an immediate return of the status quo ante! The religious experience of this kind of speedy customization and pseudo actualization is named “orgasmic religion”[2] by Milan Kundera. No doubt, orgasmic religion has nothing to do with the profundity of the wonder word called-LIFE; rather, it creates euphoria.


This crisis time shows us how much we are inter-dependent. As Thich Nhat rightly puts it, we-“inter”-are. Every single thing we enjoy or experience is a complex of many factors and the labor of many. As those chains of care and labor are disrupted by the lockdown, we are experiencing privations; some were privileged to forget. When the pandemic passes, as it will, we must find and foster our most compassionate selves. Kinder interactions, not taking each other for granted, being aware of our privileges, and practical measures to help each other are points of departure. 


Every disaster has the potential to be an opportunity, but in reality, every disaster has been a failed opportunity. We learn nothing! When a disaster destroys everything and gives a chance to rebuild, we pontificate for a moment about the lessons it teaches us and then proceeds to reconstruct the world as it was before the disaster. We measure our resilience by our ability to replicate. The question is whether we are going to transform the world in and through this opportune-time, or transmute it into a different one with a diverse mix of tragic ingredients? 


Think about it.


[1] Thich Nath Hanh, Call Me by My True Names (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1999),154.

[2] Milan Kundera, Slowness (New York: Harper Collins,1995),3.

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